Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Make Fur plugin for Sketchup

Renowned ruby developer tak2hata launched a new free plugin called “Make Fur” (fur_en_v1_2.rb) for sketchup. Alternatively it can be called Grass (fur) Generator for Sketchup.

The plugin is useful for exterior modeling and can allow sketchup users to easily create a lot of fur, blades of grass, leaves and general greenery to their model faces at predetermined heights thickness density. While selecting a face ensure that the face is oriented upwards so the fur comes into views on the correct side of the face.

The sketchup users can easily put hairs on peoples head with this plugin.

For installation download the fur_en.rb and fur_lang_en.txt files from the link (http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=323&t=28092
)and drop them in your plugins folder.

After the installation process is completed the users can access in two ways :-

Choose a face or a set of faces, Right click and select fur_1.2!. There will be two alternatives a web dialog and an input dialog box. Both of them works very similarly

Choose Plugins > fur_en > fur_en(WebDialog) from SketchUp’s menu bar to bring up the Fur Maker control panel. Then make a selection and activate Fur Maker, adjust the settings, and click Make Fur.

Posted by
Rajib Dey
for www.sketchup4architect.com

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